Now within this little group of gals has formed another group or shall we say a team . Many of these women are published artists and noted teachers.They have named them selves Melange.It is my desire to be a part of this wonderful group and in order to do this it is in my best interest to keep a blog therefore I'm Dusting off the old girl.
Melange has weekly challenges with a given prompt word. The artists are to create a piece according to the word. Now me I personally create my pieces over time when it allows and when I have the inspirational muse before me.Therefore even though this weeks challenge pieces were started before I knew the prompt, they were unfinished pieces that I finally finished in honor of the team. This weeks prompt words "Abundance" and "Flight"
This is a shadow box piece that I have choosen to represent "Abundance".
I call it "Harvest Hat"
Starting with a copy of vintage text as a backround I then included a watercolor painting of an Edwardian Gibson girl I painted last year.
She is adorned with many little snippets and drawings of fruit, flowers, and leaves that top her hat.There is also a real dried Blackeyed Susan flower from my garden and a sprinkling of vintage swarvoski crystals.
I have chosen this as our flower garden provided us with an amazing overabundance of flowers this year and served us such a lovely backdrop for many a portrait taking sessions!
Flight Is another shadow box. I started with a great
piece of vintage pink flocked wallpaper.My little fairy is salvaged from a favorite greeting card, she is adorned with a precious pink applique from a 1930s party dress, that gives reminiscence of wings. Shes holding the tiniest bouquet of vintage flowers in a pale pink with one little stray for her hat.She is finished with spray of feathers and a sparkling jeweled square.