Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Lots of new goodies

Lots and lots of fall findings have found there way inside the doors of Rayanns this week.My husband Jacob has been busy knitting and crocheting all sorts of cozy creations. One of his newest creations are crochet rugs and mats that are made from recycled laundered sheets that are ripped into strips.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Shop till you drop

Here's a shot of the gift shop

A peek inside

Once you walk through the doors you will be taken back to a more gentle time where things were a little bit slower

Girls just want to have fun

I like to call my place every girls dream ... Judging by these little ones I think I was just their cup of tea.

After picking out their victorian costumes they were treated to a lesson in the secret language of the fan .

One good thing about including their portrait upon the visit ,I am always left with all these lovely pictures that I can share

well here we are we made it too the new space had our first 2 tea parties a fun time was had by all.